I'm working in a group of 3 with Ben Brearley and Dom Ellis on a slasher film opening with the working title of Black Nightmare, and on this blog you'll see all the research and planning behind our production.

Saturday 6 October 2012


We worked in a group of 5 to make our swede, and chose to do a swede of Shaun of the Dead because it was a film we all knew well and thought it was possible to swede it and that we could get hold of the props needed and the locations around school were possible to film each scene. The scenes we chose were good as they are well known scenes from the film, however we could of chosen a larger variety of scenes to make it more interesting. also the camera shots the we chose weren't planned well so we could of improved on them and chosen more shots instead of doing long takes which we did.

Because in the long takes the audience could loose interest whereas if we did a large variety of quick take showing different camera angles then this would of kept the audience interested more.

The stability of the camera could of been improved also we could of done this by using the tripod to give a more steadier shot.

In this scene we could of thought about the mise-en-scene much more as the background doesn't look at all convincing.

Also in this scene we could of used much more variety of camera shots , for example a close up on the character's faces to see their reaction and their emotion to what they've just seen, and also a low angle shot on them to show their vulnerability and the opposite for the zombie character but with a high angle to show the power of the zombie and to make the audience feel uneasy.

I think overall we needed to of planned it much better and organised it more because the scenes didn't really come together and you couldn't follow the story.

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