I'm working in a group of 3 with Ben Brearley and Dom Ellis on a slasher film opening with the working title of Black Nightmare, and on this blog you'll see all the research and planning behind our production.

Saturday 16 March 2013

RC1: Audience Feedback

With this rough cut we knew from the start that our feedback wouldn't be great because we had insufficient camera shots and were missing scenes that we didn't manage to get filmed. However in our next rough cut we'll have all our scenes done and ready for a full opening feedback.

But we did get useful feedback from our media teacher. Because he showed us what could be improved on the scenes we did have, for example with the chopping up of the meat scene there's insuffient lighting so we'll have to go back an re-shoot this with better lighting, and the killer also didn't seem like a killer because he wasn't agressive enough with the chopping up and was to neat and gentle, whereas a killer wouldn't care with his swings and would be much more agressive. Also there should of been more blood and squeemish sound effects to make the audience feel uncomfortable with this scene , so we'll go back and record better sounding and even put in some ambient sound to make it more clearer.
Also with the opening titles they need a lot of editing because there's just no meaning to them at all and there's some spelling mistakes, and it looks stupid when it says subtitle after each title because we forgot to remove this so we'll have to go back and change this.

However he thought that there was an improvement in our mise-en-scene ideas where we had the killer wearing big, old, black boots so we'll carry on using this boots for the killer's costume along with the blooded white apron.

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