I'm working in a group of 3 with Ben Brearley and Dom Ellis on a slasher film opening with the working title of Black Nightmare, and on this blog you'll see all the research and planning behind our production.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Location Scouting

For Black Nightmare we're looking for a house located in a normative neighbourhood so we can play with the hand of fate theory , where the audience feels like it could happen to anyone what is going to take place in our slasher. So we looked at Ben's house however it was too close to a main road so there were issues with recording as we'd have the constant sound of cars driving past, but also we wanted to do a scene where we'd have the scream queen driving down a road and then into her house but we couldn't do that at Ben's as it was too busy.

Black Nightmare's Scream Queen's house.

Halloween (John Carpenter, 1978)
So we then looked at Dom's house for the possibility of filming here as he lived more in a quiet neighbourhood so it seem more likely that we'd be able to get better audio recording and more chance to be able to get clean scene with no cars interrupting our scenes. Also it had a large window looking out on to the road which is what we were needing for our stalk scene when the killer is looking onto the house. So we've chosen to film at this location rather than the other. We looked at Halloween ( John Carpenter, 1978) for influence as the house in this opening was what would seem to be the normative for our audience, as it's a middle class house in a normative neighbourhood, and the house that we've chosen to use is also in a normative neighbourhood which also plays the 'hand of fate' theory in a way, because it makes the audience feel like it could happen to anyone even them.

Wednesday 27 February 2013


. The killer's costume is a vital ingredient to the mise-en-scene as it needs to signify the killer and also tell the story or motive behind the killer, and as we've chosen our killer to have a butching chopping obsession he'll be wearing a white apron. Also we'll use fake blood to stain on to the apron to cannote that when the killer is chopping up the meat that it's human meat and that he's actually killed someone. Also instead of just some trainers our killer should wear some old black boots to signify him being of an older age.

 . A prop that we're going to use with some mise-en-scene significance is a cardboard, because on it we're going to have pictures pinned up of the house that the killer has been stalking, which will act as a signifier for the killer being this stalker, and it'll also be the girl's house.

 .Also we're going to use an old butcher's block which is significant in our film opening for when the killer is chopping up the meat

. We're use tomato ketchup for the fake blood as it gives of the same effect and looks realistic.

. Then for the meat that is supposed to be the human meat we're going to go to the local butchers and ask for their left overs.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Shoot Planning

We have started the planning off by organising and buying various different props such as a mask and some fake severed fingers online and so with these being delivered at certain dates we've had to plan our shoots around these dates so we've decided to shoot on Monday the 18th. Also we've been researching online hot to make fake blood so we'll be making this on the day of the shoot as well.

Also what we have got is a meat cleaver which we are using to indicate the butchers identity and a butchers piny or apron. Another form of costume and make up we are using is the black hooded jumper or coat which hides the identity of the killer to create some narrative enigma.

Planning to do with the mise-en-scene is the garage and transforming it into a secret massacre den of which the killer lives and we are going to cover the walls with black tarpaulin drapes so that it looks like a scary and dark and delusional so it creates an atmosphere towards the audience. Also we are putting a cork board of pictures of houses on the tarpaulin to show where the killer has been and already killed, this is a signifier of where he will strike next.

We are planning on shooting the film at a few different places, these being Ben's House, Dom's House and Dom's Road. we feel these locations will benefit our film opening due to the way we will shoot the opening with the various shot types and angles also the point of view shots will prove key for this. 

Black Nightmare Treatment

Wednesday 6 February 2013

The Big Six, Horizontal Integration & Vertical Integration.

The Big Six
The big six are the six most dominant film companies globally.
Conglomerate is the company that own several other companies and a subsidiary is one of those companies that are owned by a bigger company.
The Big Six:
.Columbia Pictures is a subsidiary to the conglomerate Sony.
.Warner Brothers Pictures is a subsidiary to the conglomerate Time Warner.
.Walt Disney Pictures is a subsidiary to the conglomerate The Walt Disney Company.
.Universal Pictures is a subsidiary to the conglomerate Comcast/General Electric.
.20th Century Fox is a subsidiary to the conglomerate News Corporation.
.Paramount Pictures is a subsidiary to the conglomerate Viacom.
And Lionsgate is a new entry which some people are using to make it 'The Big Seven'.

The Big 7 Table.

Vertical Integration
Is when the conglomerate company is controlling all the subsidiary companies, an example of this in the film industry where the conglomerate controls the production , distribution and the exhibition for a film and the conglomerate has shares in all of these companies.

Horizontal Integration
Is when individual companies come together with other companies to benefit each other , and example of this is in the film industry with production companies working with distribution companies and expedition companies. For example Avatar is produced by 20th Century Fox, and the marketing of the film benefited The Sun newspaper, but what they both have in common is that they're both owned by the conglomerate News Corportation, so both subsidiary companies 20th Century Fox and The Sun newspaper benefited from the film by being linked under the same conglomerate.